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who is nana?


grannies? somewhat yes?


Why call it nana? Do we feel like grannies?  Well, we feel a deep admiration and love for our grannies, who have taught us the importance of taking care of others. As hosts, we aspire to follow in their footsteps and provide a cozy and creative space for all our guests to feel at home when traveling. 

We understand the significance of finding peace and quiet away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. That's why we offer tools such as yoga and surfing to help our guests slow down and relax. Moreover, we take pride in nourishing our guests with veggie food.

We are thrilled to welcome you to our lovely location, where you can bask in the serene sounds of nature. Our vision is to create a warm and inviting environment for you to enjoy, just like our grannies did back in the day.


Fun fact: NaNa originally stood for TiNA and AliNA. While creating this incredible place, we constantly introduced ourselves as TiNa and AliNa – then one day; Tina turned around saying: Hey, do you hear that too? And here we go, two nanas ready to welcome you in your home abroad.


trust    I    compassion   I    joy 




in tina words


Alina, my little, shiny, and loving surfer girl. The waves, her happy place. Just right under the sun! Like the waves in the water, she likes to flow through life. She likes to travel to catch the best waves in the world or the best mountains to ride. But what really makes her special is not that she travels the whole world; it's more that she is the best friend in the entire world. 

Alina is my first point of contact. It does not matter when, what, or why. I just know she is always there. She is the kind of friend you can always rely on, and I know she would pick me up everywhere in the world. And even if that means she would have to drive all the way to India with her beloved tiny second home on wheels—her caddy! She would do it. 

Whenever I feel down, my first thought is, ok, the world will be better when I call Alina. She is a problem solver; she always has a way out, and from the bottom of her heart, she wants to help. This is what makes her the best host in the world. She will always be there. She will show you the best waves; she will motivate you to go into the water; she will solve problems and answer questions, no matter how crazy they are. And as we do, you can philosophize about life or laugh about unfunny jokes with her.

What makes us a good team? We complement each other in implementing things, yet we have exactly the same way of thinking and can give each other enough love and compassion. Come and visit to get the chance to get a little bit of her amazing personality. She will share her pure friendship and care with you, too! 


surf guiding alina
surf alina 2
yoga Tina 3
Yoga Tina 5




in alinas words


Tina is loving, smart, creative, adventurous, endlessly curious, an explorer in so many ways,  and simply an incredible person to have around. I am very grateful we have crossed paths, and I couldn’t imagine a better partner and friend to work with on this beautiful little project. We team up perfectly and have each other's back no matter what, and most importantly, we never stop laughing together.
If I had to choose one of the many words describing Tina, it would surely be loving. She is probably one of the most loving people I have ever met. This was obvious to me after the first word spoken and has been proven ever since. She is carrying in a way that makes one feel safe while keeping this lightness within and around herself that helps you focus on the positives. She has a big, big heart filled with lots of empathy and a deep and thoughtful mind, setting the ground for endless conversations about basically everything. Yet, she can be silly and childish, making her super fun to have around.

Tina has the ability to create vibes you feel comfy with. Traveling and exploring new places and cultures and that inherent lust for learning about life and this world is inspiring. I feel like all these character traits are mirrored by her Yoga practice. She loves the yoga philosophy and giving in any way. Teaching she can combine both these passions. 

And, of course, there is Ondaaaa! Well, you have to meet her to really grasp her, but one can tell she is a happy dog and loves giving love, just like her mum.


curiosity    I    empathy    I    intuition

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